2010 IDOM News
October 29th, 2010 Kiss Kiss!
The results are in - and we brought home the cinematography award for "Kiss Kiss" in the 3 Day Film Challenge:Horror Edition! We've posted it online, so if you missed the screening now's your chance to check it out:
Kiss Kiss - 3 Day Film Challenge: Horror Edition from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
That wraps up our 2010 competitive filmmaking season - it's time to take a break to enjoy the holidays, recover from this year's filmmaking adventures, and make plans for next year. We'll be updating and expanding the site over the next couple months as we begin to implement some of the ideas we've got for making 2011 our biggest year yet - to keep up with the latest be sure to become a fan on facebook or follow us on twitter.
October 20th, 2010 Just in time for Halloween...
We thought we were done for the year - but then one more competition popped up to challenge us! This past weekend we participated in Emerging Artist's 3 Day Film Challenge: Horror Edition. We had 72 hours to make a short horror film - but not just any horror film, we got the "Hitchcock" sub-genre! We were required to make the film in primarily black and white, and we had to completely re-think our approach as we'd been anticipating something involving monsters, or blood, or both. Things came together well though and we finished our 18th short film - "Kiss Kiss" - with 30 minutes to spare.
Our film, as well as the others from the competition, will be premiering at 9pm this Friday,October 22nd at the Bluelight Cinemas in Cupertino. Hope to see you at the screening - if you can't make it, we'll post the film online the day after the screening.
September 10th, 2010 Our first film outside of competition!
This has been a long work in progress - last October we started shooting footage for a short documentary on local pharmacist and ultrarunner Charles Wickersham. We kept getting sidetracked by other projects though, and so nearly a year later we've finally wrapped up and released our latest documentary, "Run, Pharm Boy, Run!', which follows Charles as he undertakes the San Francisco One Day, an annual 24 hour running race. This is the first film we've completed as a team outside of timed competitions, but isn't likely to be the last - keep checking back or become a fan on our facebook page to find out as soon as new ones are released. Enjoy!
Run, Pharm Boy, Run! from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
August 21st, 2010 San Francisco Seven Day Film Festival
Last month we completed our 16th film, this time for the San Francisco Seven Day Film Festival. With a full seven days to produce a film we decided to try something a little more elaborate than our usual 48 hour projects - so we brought in some local stunt performers, broke out the green screen, and had fun putting together a film totally unlike any of our previous ones. The result is "Bad Reception" - winner of the "Audience Prize" and "Best Sound" awards, nominated for "Best Film", "Best Comedy", "Best Editing" and "Most Imaginative". We hope you have as much fun watching this as we had making it!
Bad Reception - 7 Day Film Festival 2010 from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
August 18th, 2010 San Jose 48 Hour Film Project
Unfortunately we weren't able to compete as a team in this year's San Jose 48 Hour Film Project, but team member Tony Nguyen (TwirlyBoy!) played a quite dramatic onscreen role in a mockumentary by local team Duffy Studios/"Stabbing My Jelly". Enjoy the film - and be sure to check out their other projects too!
July 18th, 2010 San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project wrap up
We overlooked one small detail in the rules this year - the required prop has to be in the film before the credits, and ours was in the credits - so unfortunately "The Vault" was disqualified from competition and couldn't win anything. However, IDOM Chief Instigator Tony Nguyen picked up a "Community Player" award for his amazing dedication to the 48HFP as a whole - he makes it to every screening every year! So congratulations to Tony, and while we're disappointed by the disqualification we've already moved on to the next project, the Seven Day Film Festival. Check back for details soon!
July 12th, 2010 The Vault is online! SF48HFP update! 7 Day Film Project!
It's been a busy few weeks since the last update, and it's only getting busier. The SF 48HFP screening went well - and "The Vault" is one of the finalists for the Audience Choice award! The awards and 'best of' screening will be this Sunday night (July 18th) at 5pm at City Nights - hope you'll come out to see some great films and find out if we won anything.
If you missed the premier screening of "The Vault" don't despair - it's online now for your enjoyment:
"The Vault" - 2010 SF 48 Hour Film Project from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
Also, if you didn't catch our segment on the Summer Movie episode of CBS5 'Eye on the Bay' it's online now - our segment starts at the 17:24 mark.
Of course we're not particularly well suited to sitting around and relaxing after we finish a film - so we're jumping right back in in just a few days. Wednesday night is the kickoff for the 2010 Seven Day Film Festival competition and we'll be participating for a second year. Last year we brought home 'Best Editing' with our fire performance documentary "Intrinsic Self" - we're hoping to top that this year with something very different! Check back soon to see what we come up with - or better yet, become a fan of the IDOM Fan Page on Facebook to follow along behind the scenes throughout the week.
June 28th, 2010 SF 48 Hour Film Project Screening & CBS5 Eye on the Bay
Well, we made it through another weekend, finishing our 15th film - "The Vault". It'll be premiering on July 1st @ 7 & 9pm at the Lumier Theater - check out the SF 48HFP page for ticket details. Hope to see you there!
Also, don't miss our segment on CBS5's 'Eye on the Bay' Summer Movie episode, airing at 7pm tonight.
June 18th, 2010 San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project & IDOM on Facebook
Tonight's the night - the 2010 San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project kicks off at 7pm and IDOM is gearing up for a wild weekend of filmmaking. We've set up a new fan page on Facebook and we'll be posting behind-the-scenes updates there throughout the weekend, so be sure to become a fan so you can follow along with the action:
It Donned On Me fan page on Facebook
CBS5 Eye On The Bay will be documenting our team and the event this weekend as well for a short segment scheduled to air a week later - we'll have full details here and on FB once the air date is certain.
June 10th, 2010 Artshots, 48HFP San Francisco, and more!
I fell behind on updates here a little bit, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy making films! Here's what we've been up to, and what we're getting up to soon...
Artsopolis ArtshotsArtshots was a new competition this year put on by San Jose-based arts organization Artsopolis. The competition paired up local filmmakers with local artists from a variety of disciplines as a means to promote the work of all involved. This year's competition took place during the month of April and required filmmakers to create a 90 second profile on the artist they were matched with by April 30th. IDOM was matched up with San Jose power folk trio 'Tin Cat' and created the following video:
Tin Cat - a short profile of the San Jose power folk trio from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
We really liked the song - as did many people who have seen the piece - so we put together a full length version of just the song performance as well:
Tin Cat - "Emma Jane" full song from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
We brought home the "Artist's Champion" award at the awards screening in May. Overall it was a great experience and we're looking forward to working with Tin Cat again on future projects.
San Francisco 48 Hour Film ProjectIn just one week we come full circle once again, returning to the San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project for our fourth year in competition. This is where it all started for us - we had no idea when we signed up for the 2007 competition that we'd still be doing this three years later, or that we would have done so many films & competitions in that time. It's been a great journey so far, and we're looking forward to raising the bar for this year's competitions! We'll be posting updates and behind-the-scenes info the whole weekend on twitter and facebook, so be sure to follow us there if you want to know how it's going.
New site designYou may have noticed we finally updated the design of the site! The original was something temporary that we put up quickly, but it took a little longer than expected to get around to updating it. The new design is just a first step to get things looking a little more polished - there's quite a bit of new content in the works as well, including information on music used in our films, behind the scenes info, competition details and technical information on our production workflow. Now that the new design is up we'll be rolling out the new content over the next few months.
Non-competition filmsLate last year we started working on our first films made outside of timed competitions and we currently have two projects in the works. The first is a short documentary on a long-distance runner which is 90% complete - we'll be posting it here in the next week. The second project is ongoing - we're working on an expansion to our fire performer documentary 'Intrinsic Self', and we've picked up some great footage at a couple local events. We expect to release a series of short pieces on different aspects of the subject over then next year, all of which will eventually become part of a feature-length documentary. We've also got a few other projects in the works which are still at the early planning stage, so keep on checking back as it's going to be a busy year ahead!
April 7th, 2010 "In Equality" - our International Documentary Challenge film is now available!
Our latest film is now out - unfortunately again we weren't a finalist in the competition, but now we can get the film out to the audience! "In Equality" - our fourth documentary and 13th film overall - is a short profile of two same-sex couples who have navigated the ever changing legal challenges of getting (and staying) legally married in California. Enjoy, and as always - tell your friends!
In Equality - a short documentary on marriage equality from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
Also available on YouTube
March 26th, 2010 "A Better Place" - our International Shootout entry - is now online!
In December we competed in the 48HFP International Shootout, an invitational competition comprised of top teams from the local competitions around the world. Unfortunately we didn't win anything - but that means we're now free to distribute it online! The Vimeo embed is below - if you're having trouble playing it you can check it out on YouTube as well.
A Better Place from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
Also available on YouTube
March 9th, 2010 Back in action...
Our 2010 season is now in motion with this past weekend's International Documentary Challenge. Last night we shipped off our 13th film for our third go around with the Doc Challenge. We got the 'Social/Political' genre and this years theme was "Dream/Nightmare", so we produced a profile of two couples who are struggling to achieve same-sex marriage equality called "In Equality". Now it's up to the judges - we should hear in about a month if we are finalists or not. Until then we won't be posting the film publicly online - if you just can't wait shoot us an email via the link on the left!
Next up for this year is the San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project, which won't be for a couple more months. We should have some new videos coming on line between now and then, as well as an updated site with a lot more information on our films - so keep checking back!
News archives: 2010 2009 2008 2007